How does location influence desirability and value?

How does location influence desirability and value?   Location, location, location. You’ve heard it a thousand times when it comes to real estate, and you likely understand what it means. But which aspects of your location are of most influence when it comes to determining the desirability of your property and ultimately affecting its value? […]

Should you redo your floors?

Should you redo your floors?   Floors have a dramatic effect on your home’s decor. If you think about it, they’re some of the largest surfaces inside of your home – meaning they take up quite a lot of the space, visually. Your floors serve a functional purpose too, meaning they may have taken quite […]

Ottawa Real Estate Market Snapshot December 2022

The December 2022 Ottawa Real Estate Board Stats are out! Market Snapshot: As interest rates and inflation increase, buyers are retreating to the sidelines, taking a wait, and see approach. The seasonal slowdown for December’s resale market is in stark contrast to the active resale market that started the year off which has officially balanced […]

What does a home inspector look for?

What does a home inspector look for?   Scheduling a home inspection is an often crucial step in the home buying process. No matter how nice a home looks to the untrained eye, there are sometimes nasty surprises and unforeseen costs that can easily be avoided through an inspection. During the global pandemic, it became […]

Professional Photographers Make a Difference

Professional Photographers Make a Difference   Browsing listing options as a buyer can be intriguing and exciting, but it can quickly become overwhelming and exhausting. There are many options to choose from, each listing with their own set of unique benefits and areas for improvement. Buyers can’t tour them all, so what will set them […]